Tuesday, September 27, 2022

30 day instax photo challenge - It's playtime

A photo a day keeps the creativity at bay, so we’ve pulled together a 30 day challenge featuring fun and fabulous things to shoot with your instax camera. From snapping household items to capturing a feeling, you’ll be creating memories at every corner. Are you ready for the challenge to begin?

Found this little challenge on a Fuji site and will do it just for fun.

☑ Day 1: Selfie

☑ Day 2: What makes you happy

☑ Day 3: Something sour

☑ Day 4: The letter ‘i’

☑ Day 5: Something orange

☑ Day 6: A close-up

☑ Day 7: Something sweet

☑ Day 8: Something you can’t live without

☑ Day 9: A furry friend

☑ Day 10: Something you love

☑ Day 11: A candid photo

☑ Day 12: Favourite sound

☑ Day 13: Eyes

☑ Day 14: Flowers

☑ Day 15: Something you hate

☑ Day 16: Favourite smell

☑ Day 17: Autumn

☑ Day 18: Shadow

☑ Day 19: Something multicoloured

☑ Day 20: On my plate

☑ Day 21: Something cold

☑ Day 22: What you’re reading

☑ Day 23: Something symmetrical

☑ Day 24: Water

☑ Day 25: What’s on your to-do list

☑ Day 26: A gift

☑ Day 27: Something pastel coloured

☑ Day 28: Something that makes you laugh

☑ Day 29: Clouds

☑ Day 30: Coffee or tea

Rammstein - Stripped (DM)

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