Sunday, February 4, 2018

Think Tank - Lily Deanne Lucido Licorice camera bag

I just ordered a new camera bag, I needed a bigger one for my project (early birthday present to myself) and it was on sale with a 78% discount. Is it just because it says it is for female photographers?

The Lily Deanne series from Thinktank has been designed for female photographers by camera bag designer Lily Fisher together with Deanne Fitzmaurice, a Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer. For over a decade, they have interviewed female professional photographers to develop the bag for a year and a half. The result was a series of functional and stylish bags.
And I love that it has Licorice in the name (Licorice is the best).

The pics is from Scandinavian Photo that has a sale now. Link Scandinavian Photo

Link to Deanne Fitzmaurice

Pulitzer Photographer - Deanne Fitzmaurice

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing. I think camera bags like this are perfect for short trips like the beach or whatnot. It looks stylish and not too bulky. This'll be great for my friend though she's not really a pro photographer but she likes taking photos every once in a while.
