Monday, January 27, 2025

Music man ~ 8168


This morning I hurt my foot right outside my house. It's blue and swollen and I'm so angry. 1.5 weeks of hard training but now there will be some rest so I heal quickly. I will scan more negatives like the music man. Lomo picture from last summer. 

Ministry - N.W.O

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Books and Coffee ~ 96307


Fever today so not that many steps. On Wednesday this week I decided that now is the time for hardcore training and quit my meds. 
Walking to work 3 days a week. It is about 30,000 steps from home and back and currently takes 5 hours. It may sound crazy, but I see it as an opportunity to photograph and get traning.

This weeks steps in total: 96307 steps.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

The Film House

The Film House offers a film environment steeped in history and is the natural meeting place for film buffs. Book a conference room or an entire cinema, visit our Cinematheque, library or drop by for lunch or "fika". Welcome!
Link: filmhuset

Beautiful concrete ~18125


Monday, January 6, 2025

New year and time for more photo walks


New year and time for more photo walks and I will count all the steps 2025. The year when I will get my health back.

I have a Tenba Fulton 16L photo backpack for daily walks and this one is not for travel. No room for anything extra other than a small tripod on the outside. So it's small and perfect for me.

I forgot to add the power bank, water and meds in this photo but otherwise that's what I have. The key is not to bring unnecessary things and lots of energy like nuts and warm drinks as coffee or tea.